Socio-cultural and Economic Determinants of Maternal Health in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria
major challenge to global health systems is maternal mortality. The vast majority
of these deaths are preventable. This research is aimed at investigating sociocultural
and economic determinants of maternal health in Ado-Ekiti, south-west geopolitical
zone of Nigeria. It was a cross sectional epidemiological study which determined
the association between the independent variables (maternal educational status,
maternal religion, maternal occupation, decision maker for the commencement of ANC,
and health care availability/accessibility) and the dependent variable (maternal
health as represented by choice of ANC provider). The respondents were 418 females
of reproductive age group.
modal age group was '51 years and above' (24.4%). The majority of the participants
(45.5%) were married. A total number of 50(12.0%) respondents had primary education
only, 110(26.3%) secondary education, 130(31.1%) tertiary, while those without any
formal education were 16(3.8%). There were 112(26.8%) who did not indicate their
educational status and did not give reasons for it. On religion, 216(51.7%) were
self-identified as Christians and 188(45.0%) as Muslims. Traditional faith constituted
14(3.3%). Those employed were 178(42.6%), while 102(24.4%) were unemployed. Students
constituted 82(19.6%) and Apprentice 56(13.4%) of the respondents. All the variables
tested gave a statistically significant value of p<0.05. The selected variables
for multivariate logistic regression also gave a statistically significant value
of p<0.05.
targeted at improving maternal educational status, making employment available,
and encouraging accessibility to health care facilities, may make a significant
impact in reducing Maternal Mortality Rates in the studied population.
Maternal, health,
mortality, economic, sociocultural, determinants.
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