Overweight and Obesity: Prevalence and Level of Awareness among Adolescents in Selected Urban and Peri-Urban Secondary Schools in Monze, Zambia
The purpose of this cross-sectional
study was to determine the prevalence, level of awareness and associated risk-factors
among adolescents in selected secondary schools in Monze, Zambia. The main objective
was to establish the magnitude and level of awareness about the disease burden associated
with the consumption of energy-dense foods compacted by physical inactivity among
the studied population. A sample of 358 respondents was selected from a population
of 2319 pupils. A 57-items structured questionnaire was used to collect data, which
was analysed using SPSS 16.0. Of the 358 respondents, the prevalence of underweight
was one percent, normal weight 75%, overweight or obesity 24%, and that of that
of obesity alone was 5%. These rates are among the highest in sub-Saharan Africa.
The results showed a significant difference between residing in peri-urban area
and the urban one (ρ= .05%). Applying the Delphi experts’ scores, respondents’ awareness
level of overweight and obesity and associated risk-factors was between moderate
and low. A school-based policy to prevent overweight and obesity among adolescents
in Zambia was recommended among other measures to be taken by all stakeholders.
overweight, obesity, awareness, urban, peri-urban, adolescents.
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