Does Pregnancy Potentiate the Occurrence of Adverse Drug Reactions to Antiretroviral Drugs among Nigerian Women?
HIV transmission
can occur from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding. The
use of Anti-Retroviral Drugs (ARD or ARVs) in Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission
can significantly reduce this mode of transmission. The use of ARVs has been associated
with occurrence of noxious effects known as Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). It is
well known that women react more to drugs than men and some reasons proffered by
some literature include hormonal differences in both sexes; but it is not known
whether pregnancy can increase the chances of women reacting adversely to ARVs.
The objective of the research is to investigate whether pregnancy can potentiate
the occurrence of ADRs to ARVs.
The research employed a cross sectional Study Design on 150 HIV positive pregnant
women, who were receiving ARVs at the time of study but who started ARVs before
the current pregnancy. A simple Random Sampling Technique was employed in selecting
the subjects. A well-structured questionnaire was applied on the selected women
to collect data.
Data Analysis:
The result was analyzed in a Mcnemar’s test using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences to determine the strength of association between the variables pregnancy
and occurrence of ADRs for both the pregnant and the non-pregnant statuses of the
same subjects.
The result showed that pregnancy does not contribute to the occurrence of Adverse
Drug Reactions to Antiretroviral drugs among HIV pregnant women.
Keywords: Pregnancy, adverse, drug, reaction, ARVs, potentiate.
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