Poliomyelitis and its Health Consequences in the Whole Community in Kabul City, Afghanistan

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.05.04.Art050

Authors : Mohammad Aqa Stanikzai, Mohammad Nasir Alvi


Poliomyelitis is an acute infection caused by a poliovirus. It’s a nonspecific minor illness called (abortive poliomyelitis) and, less often, flaccid weakness of various muscle groups called (paralytic poliomyelitis). This is a disease of childhood and can not be happened after five years of age, can affect both sex in all country including Afghanistan. According to the world Health Organiztion (WHO) report for 2015 the polio virus has totally been eliminated from the whole world except three countries, (Afghanistnan, Pakistan, and Nigeria).


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