Preventive Health-Seeking Behaviour relating to Hypertension among Non-Teaching Staff of College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
contributes largely to morbidity and mortality experienced from cardiovascular diseases
worldwide. Studies
have been conducted on hypertension among various populations in Nigeria, but only
a few have provided data on hypertension-related preventive Health-Seeking Behaviour
(HSB) among workers in the hospital environment. This study was conducted to determine
the preventive HSB relating to hypertension among non-teaching staff of the College
of Medicine, University of Ibadan (CoMUI).
A total of
315 non-teaching staff University College Hospital was involved in the study. Data
were collected using a pre-tested a semi-structured questionnaire. Respondents’
preventive HSB were assessed through preventive practices. Respondents’ attitudes
towards preventive behaviour were measured on 20-point scale. Using SPSS, Data were
analysed via descriptive statistics, Chi-square and logistic regression.
Preventive behaviour by respondents included non-consumption of alcohol (65.1%),
regular BP check-up (46.3%), regular exercise (41.9%) and low salt intake 47.3%.
Few respondents (39.3%) had positive attitude towards preventive HSB. Non-alcohol
consumption was 4 times more likely to be observed (OR: 4.2; 95% CI 2.6-6.9) while
exercise was twice less likely (OR: 2.1; 95% CI 0.3-0.7) by the respondents. Respondents’
educational qualifications and administrative rank were significantly associated
with preventive HSB (p<0.05). Less than half (43.8%) of the respondents had low
knowledge of hypertension prevention (screening/early detection; 14.9%).
Although more than half of the respondents do not consume alcohol, other
aspects of preventive behaviours practices were relatively low which therefore calls
for effective work-place health promotion and education programme for behavioural
change towards prevention of hypertension.
Keywords: Hypertension, Hypertension prevention, Hypertension
risk factors, Preventive Health- seeking behaviour, University Non-teaching staff,
Hospital environment.
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