Profile of Stunted Children in Cameroon, A Mics 2014 Analyses
Background: Under Nutrition Is One of World’s Most Serious but Least Addressed Health
Problems. Malnutrition Is Widespread In Cameroon Especially In The Northern Regions
Of Cameroon. There Are Currently Very Little Or No Data On Factors Associated With
Stunting In Cameroon. This Paper Presents Some Factors Associated With Stunting
In Adamaoua, East, Far North And North Regions Of Cameroon.
Method: This Study Analysed Dataset Of The Firth Round Of Cameroon Multiple Indicator
Cluster Survey (MICS5) To Establish Risk Factors Associated With Stunting In Four
Regions Of Cameroon
Results: 3085 Cases were Analysed, with stunting Prevalence Rates Of 31.7%
At National Level, 37.8%, 35.8% , 41.9% And 33.8% Respectively In Adamaoua, East,
Far North And North Regions. The Highest Risk of Stunting Was Among Children Age
36-45 Months (10.2%, 8.8%, 11.9%, And 10.4% Respectively In the Adamaoua, East,
Far North and North Regions). Rural Children across All Four Regions Were More Affected
By Stunting (22%, 27%, 31.9%, And 27.4% Respectively In Adamaoua, East, Far North
and North Regions than Their Urban Counterparts (13, 9%, 8%, 8%, And 6.5% Respectively).
Conclusion: The Study Recorded High
Prevalence Of Stunting, Underweight And Wasting Among Children Age 6-59 Months.
Malnutrition was noted as a Burden in Children Age 6-59 Months in Cameroon, Particularly
the Four Regions of the Study. Age And Place Of Residence Of Child, Were Found To
Be Significantly Associated With Stunting And That Child Age Was Significantly Associated
With Minimum Acceptable Diet.
Keywords: Cameroon, Under-Nutrition, Stunting, Determinants,
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