Prevalence and Severity of Dental Caries by Gender, Age and Educational Levels in Rural Dominican Republic

determine prevalence and severity of dental caries using WHO methods by age,
gender and educational levels and compare actual DMFT scores to self-reported
study was conducted using face-to-face interviews and oral examinations in La
Esquina community, Province Maria Trinidad Sanchez, Dominican Republic (DR) among
104 adult participants. Caries experience was determined using DMFT scores.
of caries was high with 94.2% of participants affected by it. Mean DMFT index (11.95±9.67)
for participants having ≤ 8 years of school education was significantly higher
than the mean score (6.69±4.39) for people with >8 years of education (F=9.3;
p<0.01). Likewise, mean DMFT score for age group ≥55 years was significantly
higher than for younger age categories (F=5.87; p<0.01). Caries severity was
found to be statistically significant by age groups (χ2 =17.42, p=.002)
with more proportion of participants ≥ 55 years having DMFT score≥14. Actual
mean DMFT score was 4.51 higher than mean self-reported score (9.51 versus
5.08) (Spearman r=.27; p= .01).
study provides preliminary data on caries prevalence and identifies unmet
treatment needs in rural DR. While caries experience among adults increased
significantly both by age and educational levels, caries severity increased
significantly with age alone.
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