Maternal Mortality, Proteinuria and Pregnancy Induced Hypertension: Case Study of a Regional Hospital in Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana

one of the public health problems confronting the medical community is maternal
mortality. This study seeks to investigate the relationship between maternal mortality,
proteinuria and pregnancy induced hypertension among some pregnant mothers in Ghana.
In this study, protein in the urine and blood pressure of some 450 pregnant women
who visited the Hospital between Januarys to December, 2015were monitored. Retrospective
data based on maternal death from January 2010 and December 2015 were also retrieved
and analysed. This was augmented by interviewing150 respondents (75 each from antenatal
and postnatal section of the hospital) based on maternal health history, knowledge
on PIH etc. The results of the study with respect to proteinuria and the blood pressure
(BP) monitoring showed that, 36% of these mothers had traces of protein in their
urine whiles 32 mothers out of 450 had elevated systolic and diastolic BP. The study
also revealed, when data on maternal mortality and PIH of pregnant mothers were
retrieved that, a total of 75, 439 (N=75,439) mothers attended the antennal section
of the Hospital. Out of this, 139 of them (0.18%) died due to PIH. Maternal child
bearing behaviour, nulliparity when analysed showed that, greater proportions of
antenal (AN) mothers (32.00%) were nulliparous compared to their PN counterpart
(0%) (p<0.0001). Results of our study has shown that, maternal mortality due
to PIH were high due to elevated systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as
high doses of trace amount of protein in pregnant mothers’ urine.
Maternal, Mortality, Eclampsia, Clinical, Hypertension, Postnatal.
(Anon 1)
Annon1. 2016 (
Date visited Feb. 2016.
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