Predicting the Length of Stay among Healthcare Workers in Underserved Communities: A Quantitative Retrospective Cohort Study
Background: While prior studies have identified a number
of demographic factors related to general health practitioners’ decision to stay
in public health practice, recruitment agencies have no validated methods to predict
how long these health workers will commit to their placement. We aim to use machine
learning methods to predict health professional’s length of practice in the rural
public healthcare sector.
Methods: Recruitment and retention data from Africa
Health Placements (n=13 698 with 1 838 completers) was used to development machine
learning models to predict health workers’ length of practice. A cross-validation
technique was used to validate the models, to evaluate which model performs better,
based on their respective aggregated error rate of prediction. Length of stay was
categorised into 4 groups (less than 1 year, less than 2 years, less than 3 years,
and more than 3 years). Three machine learning models were trained and used 10-fold
cross validation techniques to attain evaluative statistics.
Results: The three models attain almost identical
results, with negligible difference in accuracy. The ‘best’-performing model (Multinomial
logistic classifier) achieved a 47.34% [SD 1.63] while the decision tree model achieved
an almost comparable 45.82% [SD 1.69]. The three models achieved the average AUC
of approximately 0.66 suggesting sufficient predictive signal at the four categorical
variables selected.
Conclusions: Machine learning models give us an effective
tool to predict the recruited health workers’ length of practice. These models can
be adapted beyond the scope of demographic information such as information about
placement location and income. This modelling will also, allow strategic planning
and optimization of public health care recruitment.
Key message
Human resource planning in healthcare can employ machine learning to effectively predict length of stay of recruited health workers who are stationed rural areas.
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