Application of Epidemiology in Diabetes Mellitus in Sub Saharan Africa: Screening of Diabetes Mellitus

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Authors : Pasipanodya Ian Machingura


Sub Saharan African is being faced with an increased burden of diabetes mellitus. High levels of undiagnosed diabetes mellitus have been reported which is a cause of concern since diabetes mellitus causes complications which are expensive to manage. However screening for diabetes mellitus has not received much attention due to overwhelming of healthcare facilities with multiple disease burdens. The review sought to address screening of diabetes in Sub Saharan Africa.

Published journal articles and grey literature on screening of diabetes mellitus in Sub Saharan Africa were sought from pubmed, google scholar and google.

Reports of screening of diabetes mellitus in a general practice setting were found. In a rural setting community based and home based strategies of screening of diabetes mellitus were reported to be feasible. Diabetes mellitus screening was also reported be possible to integrate it with communicable disease screening.

Diabetes mellitus screening in Sub Sahara Africa is feasible. The integration of diabetes mellitus screening with communicable diseases is a worthwhile consideration in sub Saharan Africa taking into consideration the communicable disease burden.


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