Quality Assurance and Self-Assessment: Approach Methods by Southern University

resources required for open distance learning (ODL) are human, physical,
financial, and technological supported by cross cutting issues. This paper
focuses on quality assurance and self-assessment as part of the cross cutting
functional areas at Southern University.
Southern University (SU) envisions being a World Class University for the
advancement of humanity, serving as a cradle of knowledge and excellence. To
achieve this, the University will endeavour to generate and disseminate
significant quality knowledge backed by its core values, upholding unbendable
and uncompromising standards that contribute to national and global
development. The university`s vision is “To be an icon of academic
excellence in all disciplines and natural resource based professions in
sub-Saharan Africa”.
the onset of peace in many African countries after many years of instability
and insecurity, with the democratization of many African states following
decades of totalitarian rule, and following years of corrupt and inept
administrations, there is now an acute consciousness of the wasted years of
African prosperity. One of the highest casualties of misrule has been
education. Education became one of the lowest priorities. Investment in
education across the sector diminished.
like any other Open Distance Learning(ODL) Universities has observed that with
peace and democratization in Zambia, there is population growth, rising
prosperity, a thirst for knowledge, and a need to bridge the skills gap, all in
the context of rising expectations and diminishing resources. For many,
however, for whom life circumstances have rendered university attendance a
distant dream, have yet another opportunity and this is the reason SU has come
into being.
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Southern University (SU): Annual Booklet (Bulletin) and
Concept paper 2012-2015.