Factors Contributing to Non-Adherence to Medical Ethics by Health Workers at Ndola Central Hospital, Ndola, Zambia

Study to determine factors
contributing to non-adherence Medical Ethics by health workers.
are health personnel not adhering to Medical Ethics?
To find out common factors
contributing to non-adherence to medical ethics among health workers at Ndola
central Hospital
There are no factors influencing
non-adherence to medical ethics.
study was conducted at Ndola central hospital which is a 3rd level
referral hospital as well as a teaching hospital. A non- interventional descriptive study was done. Health
care providers were randomly sampled from the departments at Ndola central
Random selection was done using an existing sampling frame (list of health care
providers in each department). Study unit was drawn using simple random
probability sampling, all the health care providers from different departments
were listed and numbers were assigned to each name. These numbers were picked
and were compared to the list. Names against those numbers were picked and were
included in the sample. Quantitative data was collected using a
self-administered structured questionnaire. Prior to data collection, a formal
letter (indicating the title of the study and the objective of the study) was
written and submitted to the senior medical superintendent who is the head of
the institution at which the study was conducted. Before collecting any data,
permission was sort from the participants. They were at liberty either to agree
or refuse to take part in the study or not.
On the basis of
the findings derived from this study, it is obvious that a lot of factors
contributing to non-adherence to medical ethics emanated from this study. The
identified factors contributing to non-adherence to medical ethics among health
workers at Ndola central Hospital were: Health workers feel they know what is
good for the patient and not clients 95%, patients not provided with
information 50%, Lack of alternative remedy in some instances 65%, Some conditions
like STIs spouse should be aware 90%, Shortage of essential drugs and supplies
60%. The fact that there are factors impeding on adherence, quality of service
may be compromised because quality of health service delivery in the country
ought to be enhanced through adherence to medical ethics by health workers.
After all, adherence to medical ethics by health workers is one of the most
critical aspects of quality health service delivery in any country. Indeed,
non-adherence to medical ethics affects not only the way through which health
workers interact with health service users, but also the quality of health
service delivered as it hinders the later from accessing better health
services. Ethical standards promote the values that are essential to good
communication; in turn patients can have confidence, even reciprocal reverence
and unbiased medical care.
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