Women’s Autonomy and Birth Preparedness of Rural Women

A cross sectional descriptive
study was conducted to find out the extent of relationship between women’s autonomy
and birth preparedness among rural women in selected area of Manikganj Sadar Upazila
of Manikganj District, during 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015. The sample
size was 400. Purposive sampling was done, semi structured questionnaire was used
for data collection and face to face interview had held to collect data regarding
socio-demographic characteristics, women’s autonomy and birth preparedness related
information. To measure the birth preparedness and complication readiness in pregnant
women of rural Bangladesh, ten explanatory variables, such as, identification of
a place of delivery , SBA, emergency fund, a health facility for emergency, blood
donor, preparation for clean and safe delivery, designate decision maker, saving
money, arrange for transportation and danger signs of pregnancy were considered.
The result showed that there was significant association between birth preparedness
and personal income, educational status, autonomy, knowledge of danger signs of
the respondents. Age at marriage, age at first pregnancy significantly effects birth
Keywords: Women’s autonomy, Birth preparedness, Respondent.
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