Knowledge and Practices of Food Safety among Senior Secondary School Students of International School, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife, Nigeria

Food safety is a global public health concern. The
problem of food safety not only affects human health but also causes the
economic damage of nations. School children have been the foremost victim of
food borne illnesses due to their unsafe behavior in food consuming. Knowledge
and practices of food safety is very important among students since they are
also consumers.
The objectives of this study were to assess the level of knowledge and
practices of food safety; to investigate the association of certain demographic
characteristics with the level of food safety knowledge and practices and to
determine the correlation between the food safety knowledge and practices among
senior secondary school students of International School, Obafemi Awolowo
University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
This is a cross- sectional study which used a pre-tested 27- item, purpose
designed, self- administered questionnaires to collect information on knowledge
and practices of the respondents on food safety. Data were collated and
analyzed based on descriptive and inferential study design.
The result showed that the total percentages of respondents with good level of
food safety knowledge is 86.0% (339) with only 14.0% (55) respondents having
poor food safety knowledge level as majority of the respondents 97.7% (385)
also have high level of food safety practices with only 2.3% (9) of them having
low practices on food safety. In addition, the result showed significant
association between religion of the respondents and food safety knowledge
scores and significant association between food safety practice scores and
class of the students (p <0.05). The results also showed significant
correlation between food safety knowledge and practices of the students (p
It was, therefore, concluded that the senior secondary school students of
International School, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife, have good food
safety knowledge and high food safety practices.
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