Factors that Influence Practice-Nurses to Promote Physical Activity

McKenna, and Naylor (1997) research article entitled “Factors that influence practice nurses
to promote physical activity”, which appeared in the British Journal of Sports Medicine
number 31, pages 308-313 had as objective to investigate what factors may influence
practice-nurses to promote physical activity. The study is of paramount importance
because there is a worldwide concern about increasing rates of obesity and decreasing
population levels of physical activity. Yet, it has been argued that primary healthcare
professionals are ideally placed to promote physical activity within local communities
(Douglas et al 2006).Though it has been argued that primary healthcare professionals
are ideally placed to promote physical activity within local communities (Douglas
et al 2006), Steptoe et al. (1999) stated that in Catalonia in the United Kingdom,
there was a lack of evidence regarding the levels of physical activity promotion.
There are various constraints that impede the success of physical activity promotion
programmes. Nevertheless, this study showed that the two stage measures (activity
promotion and personal behaviour) of the health care professional are associated
with important differences in patient and practice factors for physical activity
promotion.Their view will be presented in the following order: summary of the article;
structure; critique that will focus on: the authority of the authors/ researchers,
accuracy of style of writing, relevance of the study subject or topic, objectivity
of the research and its stability. Finally, the review will analyze the graph and
draw a conclusion on the whole article.
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