Knowledge of Contraceptives and Unmet Needs of Family Planning among Adolescents Aged 15-19 Years

Background: It is essential to cater to unmet
needs of contraception among the adolescent group if meaningful strides are to be
achieved in the uptake of contraception and prevention of unwanted pregnancies in
the society.
The main objective of the study is to assess the extent of knowledge and unmet
needs of family planning among adolescents aged 15-20 years.
Methodology: Secondary data from the 2013 NDHS will be used. The sample was selected
using a stratified three-stage cluster design consisting of 904 clusters, 372 in
urban areas and 532 in rural areas.
A representative sample of 40,680 households was
selected for the survey, with a minimum target of 943 completed interviews per state.
A complete listing of households and a mapping exercise were carried out for each
cluster over two months. The resulting lists of households serving as the sampling
frame for the selection of regular households. A fixed sample take of 45 households
were selected per cluster.
Data analysis: Analyses of quantitative data will be
done in SPSS version 20. Chi-square test will be used to measure the strength of
associations between the various variables where a p value of = or < 0.05 will
be considered statistically significant.
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