Health Seeking Behaviour Towards Sexually Transmitted Infections among Students of a Nigerian Tertiary Institution

Sexually Transmitted Infections have a very serious
impact on sexual and reproductive health worldwide and they rank among the top
five disease categories for which young adults seek healthcare. Therefore this
study assessed the health seeking behavior of undergraduate students of Tai
Solarin University of Education (TASUED) towards STIs.
The study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey
that applied both qualitative (focus group discussion) and quantitative methods
(questionnaire) of data collection. Four hundred and thirty-one respondents
participated in the study. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 21 to generate
descriptive (frequency tables and charts) and inferential statistics
showed that majority (74.2%) of the respondents have heard of STIs; HIV (80%) was
the most commonly known, and Trichomoniasis (128; 29.7%) as least. The
major source of information was television (350;81.2%); most preferred
treatment source was private hospitals (205; 47.6%). Self -preference, inconvenience as a result of symptoms and
knowledge of a place to get treatment were the best motivators of seeking treatment.
Perceived risk of ill-health was high at 19.25 on a 28 point scale. There
was a positive significant relationship between
treatment options and perceived risk of ill-health (r =.318, p < .01).
Respondents had a fair health seeking behavior towards STIs, but
misconceptions still exist. More synchronized actions need to be made by
schools, the government, NGOs, the media and other stakeholders to enhance
young people’s health seeking behavior towards STIs.
Keywords: Health seeking behavior, STIs, Youths,
Ill-health, Source of care, Students
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