Assessment of Uptake of Free Maternity Services among Women Visiting Kisumu East District Hospital, Kisumu County, Kenya

Introduction: Maternity services are an essential part in
any and all communities. This includes care from a traditional birth attendants
or a trained H W. This is aimed at improving the maternal health and reducing
child mortality which in the long run will lead to development.
statement: There has
been a problem of overcrowding and poor quality of services already in public
hospitals before the introduction of free maternity. This new change saw a rise
in the number of women delivering in the hospital increase drastically causing
a strain in the already tight situation. Many women hence prefer to deliver
delivering in the hands of traditional birth attendants and only coming to the
hospital if and when complications occur. This has led to the high mortality and
maternal morbidity rates
Maternity is a
crucial part in any and all societies in ensures continuity from generation to
generation. It is important to ensure that all women of child bearing age can
easily access the services from a skilled birth attendant.
Broad: To assess the
Uptake of free maternity services among women visiting Kisumu East District
Hospital. Kisumu East District Hospital was selected for the research due to its
convenience and proximity to the researcher. Descriptive study design was
chosen that seeks to describe the pattern of a phenomena by person, place and
time. Convenience sampling was used by drawing a representative data. People
were selected because of the ease of their volunteering and units because of their
availability of easy access.
collection: Data was
collected by administration of questionnaires where key informants were
interviewed. Analysis: SPSS version
20.0 used for data analysis.
Findings: Ninety four percent 94% of the respondents were aware of the free maternity services
93% of the women visited ANC clinic during their last pregnancy while only 7 %
did not. A total of 76% of the respondents delivered at home while the rest 24%
delivered in hospital. The most common reason for delivering at home among the
women was accessibility to a health facility at 41%.
Most mothers were
aware of the free maternity services available in Kenya hence attended attend
ante-natal and post-natal clinics. Although they are aware of the services available,
many of the mothers do not deliver in the hospital due to the low standards of
the services caused by overcrowding, low stuffing and insufficient supply of
Undertake a
comprehensive maternal health education campaign which focuses on key causes of
delay of treatment and seeks to promote gender equality in health
decision-making to allocate more funds to the free maternity services
implementation to improve its implementation and improve the quality of
services provided in the health facilities.
Keywords: Free maternity services, maternal morbidity
and mortality rates, Antenatal care and maternal deaths
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