Causes of Low Case Detection and Pulmonary Smear Positive Rates of Tuberculosis in Northern Region of Ghana

The study had two main broad but
related objectives. The first objective was to determine the actual causes of
under detection of pulmonary TB cases in the Northern Region of Ghana. Data was
collected through administering a structured questionnaire; and collection of
sputum samples from the respondents. The second objective was to determine the
actual causes of low smear positive rates by assessing the capacity to
effectively perform sputum smear microscopy for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFBs) in the
district hospitals where the study was conducted. Collection of data here
involved the use of a structured checklist for the laboratory and the staff who
performed Tb microscopy. In all, 26 laboratory staff who performed Tb
microscopy in the study district hospital laboratories were involved. The study
lasted for a period of three months. The study revealed that, 41.2% of the
study participants did not go to hospital when they fell sick. Out of this
figure, 20.4% (21) attributed their inability to do so to poverty, 4.9% (5) to
lack of access, 35.9% (37) to stigma, 28.2% (29) to cultural beliefs and
10.6%(11) attributed it to other reasons.
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