Impact of Safe Water and Improved Sanitation on Incidence/Prevalence of Typhoid Fever Globally

Typhoid fever is a systemic infection caused
by the bacterium salmonella typhi. It occurs worldwide and more in developing
countries. This study is a review of existing journals on typhoid fever is
aimed to determine whether safe water usage or consumption and improved
sanitation had an impact on the incidence/prevalence of typhoid fever globally.
A literature search is carried out reviewing
current and existing journals on typhoid fever.
From the view, it was noted in most of the
articles by various authors that safe water usage and improved sanitation
impacted on incidence and prevalence of typhoid fever.
It is however recommended that with
implementation of various public health strategies on safe water, improved
sanitation and personal hygiene there will be a reduction in the incidence of
typhoid fever in our environment.
Vacuration program on Typhoid should be
stepped to further curb the high mortality rate from this water borne disease.
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