Road Traffic Accidents and Injuries Among Form 6 Students in Muar

Introduction: Road
traffic accident refers mainly to any accident involving at least one road
vehicle, occurring on a road open to public circulation, and in which at least
one person is injured or killed. Road
traffic accidents are a recognized dominant cause of injury and death among
teenagers worldwide and in Malaysia. Road traffic accidents and injuries is a
public health problem worldwide. In 2002, there are 1.2 million people die as a
result of road traffic accidents and 50 million are injured and disabled. It is
also the 11th cause of death in the world and accounts for 2.1% of
all deaths globally.
Methods: This
is a descriptive cross sectional study that targeted form six students as our
population in 6 different higher secondary schools in Muar with 280 respondents.
Data was collected through a 12 items of multiple structured questions and 5
items of feedback questions, which of overall 17 items of questions in our
Results: Among
280 respondents, 84.6% of them had met with an accident. Majority of the
respondents are male (90.7 %), Malay (89.9 %), and come from a low income
background (97%). Surprisingly, there are 66 (90.4%) have not attended a
driving lessons while 82 (94.3%) of them did not have a driving license. Among
the entire respondent surveyed, 76 (96.2 %) of them did not wear seatbelts or helmets.
The remaining 43 which is 15.4% of them had not met with an accident. There is
a significant association between motor vehicles accidents towards driving
lessons (P=0.001), driving license (P=0.001), usage of seatbelts or helmets
Conclusion: Our
study shows that there was a significant association between road traffic
accident and injuries with not having a driving license, not attending driving
lessons and usage of seatbelts or helmets.
Recommendation: Our
government should implement strict rules and
tough penalties such as increasing fines and summon as to curb traffic
accidents. For the awareness, schools have a role to play by emphasizing the
importance on road safety, like usage of seat belts, proper driving practice by
organizing awareness campaigns and seminars which is given by road traffic
officers. The media also needs to draw the attention of all road users both to
dangers and to safe practices on the road.
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