Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Study on Contraceptive Prevalence among Health Care Providers

Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices
of contraceptives among health care providers.
A cross sectional study was conducted from Feb 2015 to January 2016on health care providers of public Hospitals in
Lahore. A total of 216 participants were selected who has 2 or more children and
lies at the age of 20 above. Data was collected on a self-developed close ended
questionnaire. Responses were analyzed on Statistical Package of social Sciences
using descriptive statistics.
Mean age 31-40 years (50 %) had secondary school certificate, 86 (39.8%) Nurse Midwife,
190 (88%) were having two children 94(43.5%). Regarding the knowledge and awareness
about contraceptives 212 (98.1%) respondents had knowledge about contraceptives
and 172 (79.1%) got the knowledge from professional study. 82 (38%), 50 (23.1%)
said that Hospital and Family Planning Clinic respectively are the resource places
for contraceptives. Overall 84.3% health care providers were using different contraceptive
methods. Condom used by partners was 74 (34.3%) but the preferred method of participants
was oral contraceptive pills 34 (15.7%). Moreover, 134 (62%) had no constrains in
using contraceptives and constrains faced by the partner were 20 (9.3%).
Findings of the study shows that the knowledge and awareness of contraceptive is
high among health care providers however the practice of contraceptive method was
comparatively high by their husbands. There is need to motivate the health care
providers for contraceptive use in order to increase the prevalence in general population.
Keywords: Health Care Providers, Contraceptives, Knowledge, Practice,
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