Awareness and Self Perceived Effect of Noise Pollution among Students of Tertiary Institutions in Ilesa, South-Western Nigeria

research work was aimed at assessing the awareness and perceived effect of
noise pollution among students of tertiary institution in Osun State.
Questionnaire was administered to 125 respondents in this descriptive cross
sectional study. The degree of exposure was assessed using three questions-
intensity of noise relative to that of busy traffic; need to raise voice at the
location and raising volume of music gadget after leaving the site. Knowledge
of common effect noise was also assessed.
was moderate level of awareness of effect of noise pollution among the
participants, 58.4% of the respondents. The common sources of noise pollution
were peoples’ conversation, generator and traffic congestion. Despite this
level of awareness of noise pollution, awareness of existence of noise
regulatory law is very low. Only 24% of the respondents were aware of the law.
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