Prevalence of Drop out and associated factors in Measles immunization among children in Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India.

Introduction: Measles is the main cause of childhood
morbidity and mortality and highly prevalent worldwide. Over the last 15 years
there has been a general decline in all the reported Vaccine Preventable
Diseases in India but the decline in measles incidence is far below the
expected level. WHO targets measles next to polio for eradication.
Objectives: 1) To determine the immunization
coverage in measles in Kanyakumari district and 2) To identify the factors
associated with Drop outs.
Methodology: This is a community based cross
sectional study conducted in whole Kanyakumari district in Tamilnadu, India
from June 2012 to May 2013 with 210 children in the age group between 12 and 23
completed months selected by 30 x 7 cluster sampling method. Structured pre
tested Questionnaire was used to collect data.
Results: Mean age of the children was 18.1 ± 3.1 (SD) months.
Out of 210 children, 171 children
(81.4%) were immunized for measles vaccination. 64.9%
vaccinated in Government facility and
35.1% of children in private setup. Forgetfulness due to longer timegap
between OPV/DPT 3rd Dose and Measles vaccine was the most common
factor for drop out constituting 25.6%. Area of
Residence, Marital Status of the parents, Total Income, Distance and the
Availability of Immunisation card are the significantly associated with
Conclusion: The prevalence of dropout is 18.6%. Forgetfulness,
Area of residence, Marital status and Income of parents, Distance, Availability
of immunization card were the significant factors associated with Drop outs.
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