Condom Use among HIV infected clients seeking care at Rimuka Integrated HIV and Tuberculosis Site, Kadoma, Zimbabwe 2015.

Use among HIV infected clients seeking care at Rimuka Integrated HIV and Tuberculosis
Site, Kadoma, Zimbabwe 2015. Daniel Chirundu, Brian Shawarira, Rumbidzai
Kazingizi, Pamela Nyaradzai Magande
Inconsistent use of condoms among HIV the infected
during vaginal sex is a cause of concern. Its can lead to STI, unwanted
pregnancies and infection with resistant strains of HIV. A study done in Kadoma
revealed that among the respondents 35% had not used condoms during their last
sexual encounter. It is against this background that we investigated factors
associated with condom use among HIV clients seeking care .
We used an analytical cross sectional study design. The study population were
HIV infected clients seeking care at Rimuka Clinic. A sample size of 150 respondents
were conveniently recruited. Data were captured using a pretested administered questionnaire.
Data were analysed using EpiInfo 7 statistical software. Written informed consent
was obtained from respondents.
We interviewed 150 respondents. The prevalence of
consistent condom use in the 3 months prior to the study was 52% among females
and 37% among males. Factors positively associated with condom use were
partners positive feelings on condom OR=7 p<0.05 . Factors negatively
associated with condom use were being gainfully employed OR= 0.4 p<0.05;
perception that condoms reduce sexual pleasure OR=0.2 p<0.05; thinking that there
is no need for a condom in a long term union, OR = 0.29 p=0.02, no need for
condom if HIV positive OR=0.11 p=0.01; perceptions that condoms are for use by
prostitutes OR=0.23 p=0.04.
Correct consistent condom use should be encouraged
among the HIV infected.
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