The role of prevention and curative treatment in the elimination of malnutrition: a retrospective study based on the MSF program against malnutrition in GUIDAM ROUMDJI NIGER Republic.

This study is a retrospective description of the phenomenon of
malnutrition in the district of Guidam Roumdji in the Maradi Region of Niger
Republic, and a quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of the impact of a
malnutrition program ran by the international medical organization Medicines
Sans Frontieres within the same area and timeframe. Niger republic is an
Islamic country in the Sahel region of West Africa with a prolonged history of
famine and nutritional crisis over the past 25 years. From January to December
2012, a population of 2987 cured children aged 6-59 months and without sex
differentiation was discharged from the ambulatory therapeutic feeding center.
A sample of 520 of them was used to estimate the average weight gain (AWG) and
average length of stay (ALS), the two most important indicators of program
success. Observations included a cure rate of over 86.9%, 0.8% death rate, 4.5%
default, 3.8% transfer and 4.0% non-respondents. Results also revealed an AWG
of 6.4 g/kg/day and an ALS of 33.14 days and both were far above expectations
thus confirming the effectiveness of the program. Using a z-test under 5% significance
rate and considering a one tail side confidence interval, the sample AWG and ALS
were found not to be significantly different from their population counterpart,
thus in support of an effective program performance at the population level. A
further qualitative analysis of the causes of defaulting implicate the low
societal status occupied by the women leading to the conclusion that women
empowerment in Niger will help improve compliance to treatment and maximize the
overall outcome of such program. In conclusion achieving prevention lies on
empowering the women while curative treatment is the responsibility of the
well-established medical programs ran under government scrutiny.
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<Niger: Too Little, Too Late> is an article by Malcolm Potts, Virginia
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Online etymology dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
©Random House, Inc.20153
Towards an integrated approach for addressing malnutrition in Zambia4>,
Joddy Harris and Scott Drimie
Young, E.M. 2012. Food and development