An Assessment of Attitudes towards and Practices of Food Hygiene among Babcock University Cafeteria Workers

descriptive cross-sectional study assessed various hygiene practices among 250
Babcock University cafeteria workers, and the hygienic condition of the working
environment. Most of the respondents, 126 (50.4%) were ever married, females
146 (58.4%), Christians 208 (83.2%) and of the Yoruba ethnic group, 128
(51.2%). Result findings revealed that 226(90.4%) respondents had good
knowledge of food hygiene, and 206(82.4%) knew that protective wears reduce the
risk of food contamination and accidents in the cafeteria. However, 167(66.8%)
of the respondents were not aware that virus causes food contamination. Only 83(33.2%)
of the respondents indicated that they clean their working environment two
times a day while 41(16.4%) of the respondents clean once a day meaning
majority of the respondents, 126 (51.4%) do not clean regularly resulting in a
questionable working environment. Findings also show that only 60 (24%)
respondents use personal protective equipment (PPE) any time they are in the
cafeteria while 104 (41.6%) make use of PPE when preparing and serving food. Bi-variate
(Chi-square test statistics) analysis revealed significant relationships
between attitude and age (p= 0.05); hygiene level of working environment and
tribe (p=0.008); level of hygiene practices versus marital status (p=0.035) and
tribe (p=0.001); level of use of PPE versus marital status (p=0.006) and
knowledge of respondents (p=0.001). The study concluded that though workers in
Babcock University cafeteria have satisfactory level of knowledge and good
attitude towards food hygiene practices, their level of environmental hygiene
practices are not adequate. Recommendations include training programs to
re-orientate the workers on proper environmental hygiene practices and daily
work environment inspections.
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