Public Health Impact of Pre-Natal Care in Reducing Home Delivery in Nigeria: Evidence from Ndhs 2013

Health facility delivery is an important factor in
reducing deaths arising from complications of pregnancy. Despite the importance
of prenatal care the extent of its contribution to hospital based delivery has
not yet been evaluated in Nigeria. This study aimed to estimate the extent of
the contribution of pre-natal care to hospital delivery in Nigeria.
Data from the 2013 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey
(NDHS) were utilized. The 2013 NDHS was conducted in all the states of Nigeria
including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The study population comprised
of 31 ,828 women of reproductive age (15-49 years) who were asked questions
from the delivery module. The primary data for the survey were collected by
visiting households and conducting face-to-face interviews and with the use of questionnaires
to obtain information. Data was analysed using SPSS version 21 .
The mean age of mother was 29.4 years ± 7 standard
deviation. The prevalence of health facility based delivery in 2013 was 35.8% .
Prenatal care was received by 13477(66%). Among Nigeria women 34.6% felt
delivering their babies in the hospital was not important. Among those who
received pre-natal care 7350(54.6%) delivered in the health facilities compared
to 289(4.2%) health facility delivery among those who did not receive pre-natal
care. (p<0.001). Those who received pre-natal care were 12 times more likely
to deliver in the health facility (95% CI= 10.56-14.42) p<0.001 . In those
who had prenatal care 53% reduction in home delivery occurred.
To increase health facility delivery in Nigeria
efforts to encourage the use of antenatal care services are pertinent.
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