Attitudes and Intentions Related to Adoption of the HPV Vaccine among Adolescent Girls and their Mothers in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State

of the cervix is the second most common cancer and the second leading cause of
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2004, Schoell, Janicek, Mirhasshemi 1999). Each year an estimated
500,000 cases are newly diagnosis (WHO,
2004, schoell et .al 1999), a significant proportion of which will be in
advanced stage (Guidozzi, 1999). In developing countries, it is the most commonly
occurring type of cancer among women, accounting for 80% of the cases (WHO, 2004, Guidozzi, 1996). Cervical
cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting U.S. women – now ranks 14 in
frequency in this population (Armstrong
.C, 2007). In 2007, an estimated of 11,150 women in the United States
was diagnosed with cervical cancer, and an estimated 3,670 die of this disease
(Armstrong .C, 2007).The lifetime
risk of cervical cancer was estimated at 3.7% in the absence of cervical cancer
screening (Brabin L et. al 2006).
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