Comparing the Outcome of Early and late Antenatal care (ANC) Among Primigravida Patients in Klerksdorp, South Africa. A Survey Approach

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.04.02.Art028

Authors : Olukayode O Alewi


Early and Late ANC maybe the difference between positive and and negative foetaland maternal outcomes. The study was carried out in the community of Klerksdorp in South Africa, targeting primigravidato confirm or refute the literature findings around antenatal care and expand discussion around the development of ANC with a view to make them specific and tailored to local situations. A sample of 50 being 30% of the weekly births was randomly chosen from mothers attending postnatal care around clinics in Klerksdorp. A questionnaire was administered by way of interviews. The results showed that majority of the mothers had booked late for their ANC and outcomes show statistically significant correlation with timing for their bookings. The study concludes that Klerksdorp primigravida are younger requiring suitable and properly packaged-to- age campaign programs to educate them in their comfort zones. There is significant statistical evidence linking the standard ANC tests at clinics to positive fetal and maternal outcomes. Intervention programs for late ANC mothers need be tailored informed by evidence based research to change negative associated outcomes.


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