Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in Small and Medium Enterprises in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria

in Nigeria serve as the catalyst for employment generation, poverty reduction
and economic development. Therefore studies on occupational health services in
SMEs are needed to improve the occupational health and safety services in small
and medium enterprises.
assess and compare the occupational health and safety management systems between
small and medium enterprises in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
study was conducted among 62 small and medium scale enterprises in Asaba, Delta
State, selected by stratified random sampling. The design was cross-sectional analytical.
A structured interviewer-administered questionnaire was developed and completed
for each enterprise. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 and presented
using frequency tables and charts.
findings revealed that 22.6% and 9.7% of the SMEs had OHS policy and Joint Health
and Safety Committee respectively. Furthermore, 74.2% reported they had Health
and Safety Rules with only 41.3% having a written rule. None had a clinic, but 27.4%
had a medical retainership which included a higher proportion of medium scale enterprise
(77.8%) (p<0.001). Nine enterprises (33.9%) made up of a higher proportion of
medium scale firms (100.0%) (p<0.001) conducted training on OHS. A higher proportion
of medium enterprises (66.7%) conducted accident reporting and investigation
were gaps in the implementation of occupational health and safety services in majority
of the enterprises with OHS-MS significantly better developed in medium
enterprises. SMEDAN should ensure SMEs implement improved occupational health
services, capacity building among employees on occupational health and safety management
system and also, further studies on the subject matter are recommended.
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