A Case of CSF Rhinorrhoea Presenting as Recurrent Meningitis

This case report describes a 40-year-old male patient who experienced recurrent meningitis with a history of CSF rhinorrhoea. The first episode of meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae was successfully treated with antibiotics. MRI cisternography confirmed the presence of CSF rhinorrhoea, demonstrating CSF leakage from the subarachnoid space through defects in the left fovea ethmoidalis and lateral lamella into the left frontal sinus and left anterior ethmoidal sinus. The patient was referred to a neurosurgeon for repair of the CSF leak, which was successfully performed via bifrontal craniotomy and anterior cranial fossa (ACF) base repair through an eyebrow approach. The patient recovered fully following antibiotic and steroid regimens, and subsequent follow-up after one year revealed no recurrence of the meningitis symptoms. This case highlights the importance of considering CSF rhinorrhoea as a potential cause of recurrent meningitis, and the need for prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent complications.References:
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