Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis with Several Idiopathic Cervical and Mediastinal Lymph Nodes - Airway and Anaesthetic Management

This case report details the
anaesthetic approach for a 60-year-old female with subglottic stenosis, who had
experienced bronchospasm and hypotension during previous surgeries under
general anaesthesia. The patient was scheduled for open hernioplasty, and hernioplasty
complex airway anatomy and history of anaesthetic complications posed
significant challenges. Following a comprehensive preoperative assessment,
including video laryngoscopy and CT imaging, it was decided to use a Combined
Spinal Epidural (CSE) block to minimize the risks associated with general
anaesthesia. The surgery was performed successfully, with the patient remaining
stable throughout the procedure and during the postoperative period. This case
highlights the importance of a personalized anaesthetic plan, particularly in
patients with difficult airway conditions and a history of adverse reactions to
general anaesthesia. Regional anaesthesia, specifically CSE, proved to be a
safe and effective alternative, allowing for a successful surgical outcome
without complications. This report emphasizes the need to carefully consider
anaesthetic options in complex cases to enhance patient safety and optimize
surgical results.
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