The Antimicrobial Resistance Trend Pattern in A Subset Population of West Bengal

A deadly
pandemic has threatened the world and is witnessing severe climate change.
Constant environmental changes are leading to various viral/bacterial
infections, which have increased the consumption of antibiotics. The rise in
usage of antibiotics has increased significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic
and post-COVID era. Generally, the most prescribed antibiotics fall under the
broad-spectrum range as these work on many gram-positive and gram-negative
disease-causing bacteria. There has been an increase in the accessibility and
affordability of antibiotics among the population. The primordial factor for
this is the over-the-counter buying of antibiotics followed by frequent usage
of antibiotics. Patients often only finish part of the course of antibiotics.
Frequent consumption of antibiotics and not completing the whole course of the
antibiotics pose a severe and potentially irreversible threat to the healthy
microbiome of the human intestine and a resistance pattern against the
antibiotics. The study specifically focuses on understanding the antibiotic
resistance pattern in the post-COVID scenario on the gut microbiome of the West
Bengal population, making it particularly relevant to the local healthcare
community. It underscores the urgent need for responsible antibiotic use, public
awareness of the use of antibiotics, and antimicrobial resistance.
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