Availability of Human Resources as a Determinant of Health Service Quality in Multihazard Disasters in Palu City, Indonesia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.04.Art084

Authors : Setya Haksama, Irwan Meilano, Euis Sunarti, Cecep Pratama, Muhammad Farid Dimjati Lusno, Sunarto, Shyamkumar Sriram, Syadza Zahrah Shedyta, Diansanto Prayoga, Syahprevi Rayyan Zeinsar, Abdullah Al Mamun, Rozan Asyrofi Rakyan Risang Aji, Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho


Health aspects in disaster management, including earthquakes, are very important to formulate because they include pre-disaster, emergency response and post-disaster aspects so that appropriate mitigation and preparedness can be carried out to reduce the impacts that occur. This study aimed to analyze the influence of health resource factors on the quality of health services in multihazard disasters. This study applied a cross-sectional design, involving 57 people selected using accidental sampling techniques. The independent variables were health service providers; human resources; health financing; materials; methods; institutional structures; health information system technology; drugs and health supplies; community conditions; environment; preparedness; and basic needs during disasters. While the dependent variable was the quality of health services in multihazard disasters. All variables were measured by filling out a questionnaire. The measurement data were analyzed using multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that the p-value was less than 0.05 only for the availability of human resources, which was 0.013; so this is a factor that significantly influences the quality of health services. Thus it could be concluded that the determinant of the quality of health services in multihazard disasters in Palu City, Indonesia was the availability of human resources.


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