Post-Traumatic Pseudoaneurysm of Common Digital Artery of Superficial Palmar Arch- A Curious Case with Critical Complexities

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.04.Art055

Authors : Manimaran, Arjun Aravindh R R, Karthikeyan, Sasikumar


Pseudoaneurysm is an extremely rare condition but poses significant challenges in early diagnosis and can lead to devastating complications if untreated. Pseudoaneurysm is defined as the dilation of the arterial wall caused by disruption of the vessel wall leading to extravasation of blood into a false sac that has communication with the vessel lumen. True aneurysm is formed by all three layers of the arterial wall while pseudoaneurysm is formed by tunica adventitia. Trauma is the most common cause of pseudoaneurysms. It is a rare entity but with significant complications such as thrombosis, embolism and compression of nerves and veins. Here we bring up a case of a twenty-one-year-old male who presented with swelling over his left hand below 2nd web space following a fire crack injury which was associated with pain, restriction of movement and numbness over his left middle finger. The swelling was found to be well-defined, pulsatile, compressible, and cystic in consistency with palpable thrill and systolic bruit on auscultation. Doppler ultrasound showed a cystic lesion with characteristic yin-yang flow. A diagnosis of possible partially thrombosed post-traumatic pseudoaneurysm was made. Surgical ligation with excision under regional anaesthesia was done. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm. The patient made a full recovery with no post-operative complications. This emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and management of pseudoaneurysm. Also, this reinvigorates surgical management as the gold standard treatment.


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