Impact of Technology Addiction among School Going Adolescents – An Observational Study

have been labelled the "digital natives of the technology age", yet
evaluating adolescents' understanding, attitudes, and behaviour with respect to
technology addiction (TA) Internet use, instant messaging, online gaming,
social networking, and computer use are all examples of problematic
technological applications, particularly among high school kids. The present
study aims to assess the impact of technology addiction among school going
adolescents. A quantitative approach with
non-experimental descriptive research design was adopted for the present study.
A 50 school going adolescents were recruited as study participants by using
Convenient Sampling Technique. A self-structured questionnaire was administered
to collect the demographic information and “Technology Addiction Scale “was
used in the research. The present study suggests that the
level of technology addiction among school going adolescents, majority of them
27(54%) has mild addiction, 13(26%) has moderate addiction and 10(20%) has
severe addiction. Technology addiction has emerged as a major public health
issue among Indian youth. To promote healthy technological behaviours, an
integrated socio-ecological framework with a multilevel approach that targets
risk factors at various levels is required.
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