Study on Awareness, Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Related to HPV Vaccination among Healthcare Workers

In India, cervical
cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in women. The World Health
Organization (WHO) has set ambitious goals known as the 90-70-90 targets to
eliminate cervical cancer: achieving 90% HPV vaccination coverage, ensuring 70%
of eligible women undergo screening twice their lifetime, and providing
treatment for 90% of women diagnosed with invasive and pre-invasive cancer. This
study aims to assess awareness levels, evaluate knowledge, and explore current
practices regarding HPV vaccination. This cross-sectional study employed an
exploratory questionnaire-based survey among 200 healthcare workers at Sree
Balaji Medical College and Hospital. There is a
significant association (p = 0.002) between the type of healthcare worker
[clinical (90%) vs. non-clinical (70%)] and their awareness of HPV vaccination.
Clinical workers (85%) exhibit a significantly higher positive
attitude(p<0.01) compared to non-clinical workers (60%). The chi-square
analysis indicates a significant difference (p<0.001) in the practice of
regularly recommending or administering HPV vaccination between clinical (70%)
and non-clinical (30%) healthcare workers. There is a significant association
(p < 0.001) between Clinical workers who are likely to possess high
knowledge (70%) about HPV and its vaccination compared to non-clinical workers,
who predominantly fall into the moderate (52%) or low knowledge (48%)
categories. The findings underscore significant knowledge gaps, emphasizing the
need for improved counselling on HPV vaccination targets.
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