Granulomatous Cervical Lymphadenopathy – A Case Series

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.04.Art019

Authors : A. Karthick Ramalingam, N. Balaji


In this article, some of the common types of granulomatous cervical lymphadenopathy are described. They can be classified as infective and non-infective. Non-infectious include sarcoidosis and sarcoid-like reactions. Their etiology is unknown but they have a better prognosis. Infectious include various organisms and some of the common organisms include Tuberculosis, Syphilis, Tularemia, Cat Scratch Disease, Brucellosis and fungal infections. So an accurate diagnosis is needed with pathological and histological evidence for prompt treatment. Here, we histopathologically describe the three representative types of granulomatous cervical lymphadenopathy namely Tuberculosis, Sarcoidosis and Kikuchi Disease.


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