The Effect of Safety Attitude on Factors Related to Burnout among Nurses

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.04.Art018

Authors : Sathiyabama G., Samundeeswari


Burnout describes an occupational psychosocial syndrome that results from the poor management of elevated levels of emotional and social stress in the workplace for prolonged periods. The study aims to determine the methods for preventing burnout syndrome in nurses and to talk about the outcomes for potential future interventions aimed at reducing burnout in these workers. To assess the effect of safety attitude on factors related to burnout among Nurses to find out the association of the effect of safety attitude on factors related to burnout among nurses with selected demographic variables. The research design selected for the study was descriptive research design The samples of the study were nurses working at Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai. The sample size of the study was 30. nurses working at Saveetha Medical College and Hospital, Chennai. Sampling Technique. The investigator applied a non-probability convenient sampling technique to the sample selection.  Data was collected through a structured questionnaire after obtaining permission from the hospital's medical superintendent. Statistically significant correlation between the demographic variable ward (χ2=13.195, p=0.040) and the amount of influence of safety attitude on parameters associated with burnout among nurses at the p<0.05 level. The degree of safety attitude's influence on characteristics linked to nursing burnout was not statistically significantly correlated with any of the other demographic variables. According to the results, 4(13.3%) had mild to high anxiety, 7(23.3%) had severe anxiety, and 19 (63.4%)had moderate anxiety. Anxiety measured a mean of 21.43±3.57. With a minimum score of 15.0 and a maximum score of 28.0, the median was 21.50. The demographic variable, ward showed a statistically significant correlation with the degree of safety attitude influence on variables associated with nurse burnout at the p<0.05 level.


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