Cold Chain Adequacy for Childhood Immunization Coverage in Bolgatanga Municipality, A Study in Upper East Region of Ghana

The Expanded Programme on Immunization is an initiative that was
introduced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1974 to ensure there is
equitable access to life-saving vaccines for every child, regardless of their
geographic location or socioeconomic status. Availability of cold chain equipment
such as vaccine fridges, deep freezers and cold-boxes etc are indispensable.
Transportation is and human resource equally important to ensure that vaccines
reach their destination. The main aim of the study was to assess the cold chain
adequacy for childhood immunization coverage in the Bolgatanga Municipality of
Ghana. This cross-sectional study employed quantitative methods. A total
population sampling method was used to include all the 56 facilities in the
Municipality in the study. Some selected health staff were interviewed. The
results show that only 28.6% of health facilities had adequate cold chain
arrangements in the study area. The study results showed that the majority
(87.5%) of facilities had means of transport to support immunization activities
however, 53.6% of facilities covered more than 5 kilometres to reach their
nearest cold chain site. Again, 57.1% of facilities had only one staff to
manage cold chain and immunization activities which was statistically
significant (p-value =0.005). The study concluded that
cold chain equipment for the maintenance of vaccine potency and to influence
immunization uptake in the Bolgatanga Municipality was inadequate. However,
means of transport which aided in the collection and distribution of vaccines were
not a challenge. Low staffing to manage cold chain and immunization activities
was a predictor of low immunization. The study recommends Ministry of
Health/Ghana Health Services (MOH/GHS) and partners to procure and distribute
vaccine storage equipment to all health facilities in the Municipality.
More staffs should be trained in cold chain and immunization activities.
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