Exploring the Dermoscopic Spectrum and Examination of Non-Melanocytic Benign Skin Tumors in Humans

Dermoscopy unveils distinctive
features aiding non-melanocytic benign skin tumor identification. This study
aimed to delineate and characterize these unique dermoscopic patterns,
essential for precise diagnosis and tailored treatment. The study was conducted
between December 2022 and June 2023, this descriptive study in a tertiary
hospital assessed 96 patients with various benign skin tumors. Dermoscopic
evaluations were blinded, ensuring rigorous data collection. Dermatofibroma
displays a central white globule encircled by a peripheral pigmented network,
while neurofibroma exhibits finger-print-like pigmentary lines. Mucosal
neurofibroma stands out with its vascular reticulate network against a
homogenous white background, contrasting with trichoepithelioma's structureless
shiny white structures. Angiofibroma presents as unevenly distributed brown
pigmentation, distinct from pyogenic granuloma's white collarette.
Steatocystoma displays peripheral reticulate brown pigmentation, while
keratoacanthoma showcases a central keratin mass. Cylindroma is characterized
by a salmon pink-yellow color background with arborizing blood vessels at the
periphery, whereas syringoma manifests multiple pigmented clusters. This study
emphasizes dermoscopy's significance as a non-invasive tool enhancing
diagnostic accuracy and guiding effective treatment modalities in
dermatological practice.
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