A Histomorphological Study of Urinary Bladder Lesions in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Urinary bladder lesions, both benign and malignant, are becoming more common in modern times. The urinary bladder is susceptible to a range of lesions, including benign tumors, malignant tumors, and non-neoplastic lesions. A lot of people either die or go through a lot of pain because of neoplastic bladder lesions. Understanding bladder tumors involve exploring their risk factors, which include smoking, occupational exposures, and chronic bladder irritation. In terms of genitourinary cancers, the most common ones are prostate and urinary bladder cancers. Bladder cancers are curable if diagnosed at an early stage. Cystoscopy to see the bladder mucosa and biopsy of any suspicious lesion and TURBT (transurethral resection of the bladder tumour) samples with histological evaluation are the most reliable methods for cancer diagnosis. Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective management and improved patient outcomes. This case series presents cases with different urinary bladder lesions encountered in our tertiary referral hospital, providing insights into their presentation, diagnostic challenges, role of histopathology in making a diagnosis and thereby helping the clinician in exploring treatment options.
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