A Review on Anticancer Properties of Chebulagic Acid from Terminalia chebula

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art047

Authors : R. Satheesh Kumar, P. Amudha, R. Vidya, C.S. Kalpana, S. Sudhashini


This review aims to explore the potential of Chebulagic acid, a hydrolysable tannin derived from Terminalia chebula, in the treatment of cancer. Chebulagic acid boasts a myriad of medicinal and pharmacological benefits, including but not limited to antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antifungal, antiulcer, anticancer, antimutagenic, and wound healing properties. The objective of this review is to compile existing scientific literature on the anticancer attributes of Chebulagic acid. Numerous studies have elucidated its ability to regulate apoptosis and inhibit proliferation in various cancer cell lines and pathways. Nonetheless, further in vivo investigations are imperative to thoroughly dissect the mechanism-based pharmacological profile of Chebulagic acid. Such studies will furnish robust scientific evidence elucidating its anticancer efficacy across different cancer types and appraise its suitability for clinical trials.


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