The Convergence of Basal and Squamous: A Deep Dive into Basosquamous Cell Carcinoma – A Case Report

Basosquamous carcinoma is a rare, non-melanotic
and aggressive variant of BCC having features of both basal cell component and
squamous cell component diagnosed histopathologically. We report a case of
Basosquamous carcinoma in a 75-year-old female patient who came with complaints
of an ulcer over the left cheek for 1 month. Initially edge wedge biopsy was
sent and it was to be BCC. Later on, the patient underwent a wide local
excision biopsy. On microscopy sections showed skin and a tumour arising from
the basal layer arranged in nests with peripheral palisading with foci of
retraction artifacts and also desmoplastic stromal reaction. Also shows
squamous differentiation with an increased mitotic rate. This case report
highlights its distinctive histologic appearance and emphasises the aggressive
nature of the tumour.
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