Ralstonia Mannitolilytica Induced Septicemia in a Patient with Pulmonary Edema-A Rare Case Report

Ralstonia mannitolilytica is an emerging human
pathogen, which is an environmental bacterium. Hospital outbreaks are limited; however,
the organism has been reported from tumour patients, bloodstream infections,
recurrent meningitis patients, etc. In this report, we discuss a case of
septicemia caused by R. mannitolilytica and its antibiotic susceptibility in a patient
with pulmonary oedema. A 96-year-old female patient presented to the hospital
with breathlessness, palpitations and chest pain. Ralstonia mannitolilytica has
been isolated from blood culture using conventional techniques and the
diagnosis was confirmed with automated VITEK 2 compact. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first case of Ralstonia mannitolilytica reported in a
cardiac patient with septicaemia in Chennai. Rapid identification of this
bacteria and appropriate use of antibiotics would help in minimising the
emergence of drug resistance.
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