An Enormous Benign Mucinous Ovarian Cystadenoma: A Case Study and Literature Review

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a very wide spectrum of neoplasms spanning a variety of histological tissues [1]. The most common type of tumors, epithelial tumors,
account for 80% of all malignancies.10% of tumors are classified as possibly
malignant, 8%–10% are malignant, and 80% are benign. About 8–10% of epithelial
tumors are mucinous tumors, which can grow to huge sizes and cover the whole
abdominal cavity [2], [3]. We would like to share a case study of a 50-year-old
female patient who had a large benign mucinous cystadenoma. The patient was
unable to receive medical care and had a tumor that was causing her to have
trouble breathing. The tumor reacted amazingly well after surgical resection [4]. After the operation, the patient could resume her
regular life.
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