The Deadly Fungus-A Case Series of Rhino-Facial Mucormycosis in Uncontrolled Diabetes

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art033

Authors : S. Srismitha, M. Preethi, Sanjana S, Mary Lilly


Mucormycosis is more common in conditions like uncontrolled diabetes  Fungal infection invades body through inhalation of spores by nose /mouth or by skin laceration. Successful management of the deadly fatal infection requires early diagnosis of the disease and proper management for the aggressive disease. We hereby report a case of mucormycosis of the maxillary sinus in an uncontrolled diabetic patient. 47-year-old male complaints of facial pain, nasal block  and headache . ENT examination revealed DNS to right with spur, left middle turbinate shows fungal debris with purulent discharge and middle meatus appears normal. Investigations revealed FBS 184 mg/dl  and PBS 267 mg/dl .  FESS surgery done and the specimen show Microscopically - mucormycosis. 52-year-old male chief complaints of headache , toothache and nasal block. ENT DNS to right, left middle turbinate hypertrophy with necrotic debris. FBS 289 mg/dl and PBS 380 mg/dl . FESS surgery done and the specimen was reported mucormycosis. A 48-year-old female chief complaints of bleeding nose,  fever, nasal blockade and headache . ENT show DNS left with middle turbinate hypertrophy. FBS 214 mg/dl  and PPBS 304 mg/dl .FESS surgery done, and the specimen was reported as mucormycosis. PAS stain show fungal hyphae. deadly fungal infection mucormycosis, Early detection and diagnosis of a such a dangerous invasive infection and proper management at the right time is essential for the overall survival and outcome for the patient.


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