Influence of Sanitation and Hygiene Practices on Pregnancy Outcomes among Postnatal Women with Preterm Babies at New Born Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.12.03.Art025

Authors : Rebecca Kayumba, Margret Mulenga Pansho, Annie Musonda-Mubanga, Gloria Mwenya Chola


The number of women referred to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Women and New-borne Hospital (WNBH) has significantly increased. This study aimed to investigate the influence of sanitation and hygiene practices on pregnancy outcomes among women with preterm babies referred to WNBH. Descriptive design and mixed methods were used in this study. The study utilized 384 referral post-natal mothers from Lusaka and other parts of the country. Hence, simple random sampling was the ideal sampling method to select respondents randomly as they were referred to WNBH with the leading complication of preterm birth. Poor sanitation and hygiene with related factors such as low level of education, teenage pregnancy, marital status, unsustainable income, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy lifestyles, inadequate nutrients, and a lack of maternal support system were found to be risk factors and contributors to preterm birth. The study recommended the government to create mobile antenatal clinics and establish home care visits by health workers to assist expectant mothers on issues of sanitation and hygiene practices, selection of nutritious foods, and upholding a healthy lifestyle within 1000 days from conception. Traditional and civic leaders to initiate participatory education to members of their communities to improve environmental hygiene and ensure that safe water is available to all the citizens. Policies such as free education by the government would help retain more girls in schools, peer support among pregnant women, besides family support to encourage better health outcomes.


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