Assessment of Risk Factors Associated with Common Fungal Pathogens Causing Otomycosis at a Tertiary Care Hospital in South India

Otomycosis is one of the most prevalent fungal diseases of the external auditory canal in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. Numerous environmental and host factors can put a person at risk for otomycosis. This cross-sectional study was undertaken over a one-year period at a tertiary care hospital, in South India after approval from Institutional Human Ethics Committee (IHEC), as there is limited data available on the clinical-mycological profile and its association with various risk factors in our region in the recent past. 90 ear swabs from clinically diagnosed otomycosis patients were sent to the laboratory for mycological examination from the Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) out-patient Department. Their clinical data was evaluated using a self-administered questionnaire. Mycological examination yielded 63 fungal isolates with Aspergillus niger as the predominant organism followed by other fungi; common risk factors identified were diabetes mellitus (92%), CSOM patients on steroid drops (91.6%), swimming (80%), CSOM patients on antibiotic drops (75%) with a significant association of p<0.05 between the above-mentioned risk factors and otomycosis. The current study highlights that proper identification of the causative agents is mandatory to prevent complications and recurrences, even when the patients' otoscopic findings and clinical presentations strongly suggest a fungal infection. Comparable with other superficial fungal infections, otomycosis does not represent a threat to life. However, prompt microbiological identification are essential for timely and effective therapy to avert major issues from otomycosis.References:
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